Tattoo Aftercare:

• If your tattoo has been wrapped, make sure you remove the wrapping 2-3 hours after it has been applied. Leaving wrapping on longer than recommended may result in plasma and excess fluid pooling on the surface of the skin, causing inflammation, and creating a potential breeding ground for bacteria. 

• If your tattoo has been covered with second skin, your tattoo artist will advise directions of use.

• Avoid direct contact with: unsanitised body parts, clothing, make-up, bedding, animals and any unclean environments.

• To reduce inflammation, cool the tattoo as much as you can using a dry, cold compress. Anti-inflammatories, such as Ibuprofen, can also help reduce inflammation. Please use these only as directed.

Tattoo Cleaning & Drying Method:

Once the wrap has been removed, the tattooed area must be cleaned and dried:

1. Ensure your hands are clean

2. Rinse the tattooed area with lukewarm water in the shower. Note: avoid direct water pressure on the tattoo, and avoid soaking the tattoo during the healing process, as this can cause potential ink loss.

3. Dry the tattoo thoroughly. This can be done using hair dryer on a cool setting or by gently patting dry with a paper towel. Note: avoid drying the tattooed area with fabric, tissue or toilet paper, and avoid scrubbing the tattoo.

Repeat the above cleaning/drying steps daily throughout the healing period.
Please note: if you have had extensive colour or black work, it may be recommended that you cover the tattoo with plastic wrap during sleeping – your tattoo artist will advise.

Using Aftercare products:

• Avoid applying any aftercare products during first 48 hours – your artist will advise when it’s best to start applying aftercare, and what type. This may depend on the style of tattoo.

• Apply a THIN layer of product to the tattoo with clean hands when your tattoo feels dry – If the tattoo is left to become too dry, cracking, weeping, scabbing and ink loss may result.

• If the tattoo is excessively moisturised/hydrated, this can result in irritation and inflammation. If this occurs, use the cleaning and drying method outlined above to remove any excess moisture/product.

Things to expect:

• swelling, redness and weeping • light scabbing • itching and flaking • bruising


• Do not rub, scratch or pick at the tattoo.
• Do not soak your tattoo - avoid swimming, baths, spas or saunas for the first month.
• Do not expose your tattoo to direct sunlight, including tanning booths, until it is fully healed.

• Do drink plenty of water and take care of yourself.
• Do protect your tattoo from biological and chemical contamination. To do this, avoid using antibacterial or antibiotic products, peroxide or alcohol on your tattoo. Make sure the aftercare product you use is fragrance free and does not contain vitamin A or E.

Please note that you should never experience extreme pain or excessive swelling from any tattoo during a normal healing process. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us at Dr Morse on 04 472 0270

Second Skin Aftercare

The second skin your artist has applied in the studio will need to be changed  after 24-30 hours.


The best way to remove the bandage is to run the bandage under warm water (body temperature is best because your skin will be sensitive), this will help loosen the adhesive on the bandage. Then pull at the corners of the second skin horizontal to the body. If you stretch it horizontally it will break the adhesive without tugging too much at your skin. We recommend that you remove it in the shower or under warm water. If you peel the bandage back it can tug at the skin so if you stretch the bandage it will reduce that tugging. 


Once it is removed, wash your hands thoroughly. Then lather your hands with liquid soap (fragrance free is best) and clean the tattoo with little circles.

Rinse all soap off the tattoo. It's important that there is no soap or aftercare product left on the skin, as this blocks the microscopic breathing pores in the second skin which allows it to breathe. Gently pat dry with clean paper towels and make sure it is thoroughly dry. At this stage, you will be ready to apply another layer of second skin. 


To apply the second skin, remove the paper backing and place it on the desired location. Then you can remove the printed side and should be left with a clear layer of film over your fresh tattoo. You can remove this bandage after 4-5 days.


Things to look out for - If you have redness or itchiness due to the second skin, remove immediately. This could be an allergic reaction to the adhesive. 

There will likely be pooling under the second skin , which will make it difficult to see the tattoo. This is completely normal.